It wasn't even two months ago that I was basically praising Wendy Williams on my blog for a comment she made on her show about being natural. (If you missed it, that blog post is here). Now today, I'm singing a bit of a different tune.
On the 1/27/12 show, Wendy, along with 'style expert' Mary Alice Stephenson, talked about the Red Carpet hits and misses of the Oscars. Mary said, "I have a feeling you're not going to like this, but I am going to say Viola Davis. You know why? No wig, no weave! I like that she went au natural, I know, I know, I know..." Wendy made a face and then proceeded to say, "All respect to naturals but I don't want to see Room 222 flashbacks on the red carpet." They both laughed about it. The good part of this; however, was when Mary said, "I just still think it's kind of great. She wore wigs all season then she just went natural."
While I love the fact that Mary commended Viola's choice, I frown upon Wendy's statement that Viola's natural hair wasn't 'formal' enough for the Oscars. Really Wendy?!? I guess it should have been pressed or relaxed huh? I guess it's better to be an 'in the closet' natural! (rolling eyes)
Here are a few pictures of the show Room 222.

Viola looking beautiful while adorning a wig...
Pictures that debuted a few days ago, prompting interest in the (hair) style Viola would wear at the Oscars. Viola's AWESOME look at the Oscars.
Of note, Mary also said that J. Lo and Viola did too much 'nipple slippage' and said that they need to cover it up. Well, although I didn't watch the Oscars, I have seen both of their dresses. Viola's dress was so fierce! I can't understand the continuous negativity Wendy threw at Viola.
Here is Viola and her husband on the red carpet at the Oscars. He encourages her to rock her natural hair! He told her "If you want to wear it for your career, that's fine, but in your life, wear your hair. Step into who you are."
During the show, Wendy also said, "It ain't easy sitting here and then having to face people you guys." Well, what do you expect when you go in all the time Wendy?!? Yes, we may giggle at what you say at times and that's your career choice; however, you DO need to understand (and expect) the possibilities of what may result based on what you discuss in your Hot Topics. A lot of people have been offended by this... unfortunately."You know, my husband encouraged me. And I think it was time to step into who I was. And to be bold about it. I don’t think that when you tell people that you need to do it with a whimper.
Husband: She’s not making a statement. She’s who she is.
Reporter: Was it hard, though? Was it hard? Because we see you and you always look so glamorous. We know you wear wigs. But was it hard to just take it off?
Viola: Yeah, it was. But, I have to tell you. It was not as hard as I thought it would be. So, therefore, I think it was time. That’s why. It was just time.
Yay for Viola! I wonder how many other celebrities will follow suit. I'm looking forward to it!