As a natural, I've made mistakes, changed regimens and opted to not use certain products. I haven't been as good to my hair as I could have been and I wish that I did more research before and during my natural journey. I wish that I did not allow 'professionals' do certain things to my hair, creating damage. Let's just say that if I knew then, what I knew now... things would be a lot different! With that said, for the new year, 2012, I'm speaking into existence the healthiness of my hair... our hair!
Now is your chance to make a New Hair Resolution AND try Natty Butter!

In order to be eligible, you MUST do the following:
1. Like my Facebook page Kinky Kinetik
2. Post a comment on my giveaway note stating: "Enter me, my 2012 new hair's resolution is..."
Optional: follow my blog Kinky's Blog
The giveaway will run from 12/26/11 - 1/1/12 at 6pm EST and the winner will be announced on 1/3/12. The winner will have 48 hours to reply once announced. Open to US residents only.
If you haven't, please read my review on Natty Butter. Click --->Kinky's Natty Butter Review
Make sure that you tell a friend to tell another friend to come by my page Kinky's FB page
Kinky's 2012 new hair resolution: no more chemical dyes and continue to not use brushes or combs (unless detangling with a product). Also, I'm going to seek to achieve a better moisturizing regimen to ensure that I can retain and maintain lengthy, moisturized, healthy hair.
Happy New Hair Kinkies!!
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