I initially dedicated this blog to natural hair; however, given my expanded audience and review opportunities, I have decided to branch out and focus on an array of product reviews. Reviews of ALL kinds of things from household products to books, from foods to clothes, from personal care items to the latest gadgets - you will find the reviews here. Aside from natural hair, fashion, technology, and fitness, I love music, traveling, and reading.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Wordless Wednesday: The Beauty In Being In Traffic
Feel free to also check me out on Facebook, Kinky Kinetik, Twitter, Tweet Kinky and YT, KinkyKinetik.
~Keep it Kinky~
Product Review - A Life Balanced
What's In A Life Balanced Products?
Unrefined shea butter, cocoa butter, coconut oil, jojoba, vitamin E and pure essential oils.
What's your first impression of A Life Balanced's Products Kinky? I love 'em! I was sent the body butters in the Tiare Tahiti Blossom, Hibiscus, Creamy Coconut, and Awake scents. I was also sent the BitterSweet cocoa butter. The Tiare is made with pure monoi oil (as per the website) and does smell as such. To me, it is a bit too flowery smelling. The Awake is a citrusy scent if grapefruit, lemon, and lime. The BitterSweet smells just like a Tootsie Roll while the Creamy Coconut smells like just that. Uh, I never smelled a Hibiscus flower so I cannot say if the smell is similar with the body butter. As for the scents, my choices (from LEAST to GREATEST) are Tahiti Tiare Blossom, BitterSweet, Creamy Coconut, Hibiscus, and Awake. I think it's a tie between BitterSweet and Creamy Coconut though.
Sorry that the above picture is not the best (due to my flash) but at least you can see the BitterSweet and a bit of the Hibiscus (pink one in the upper left hand corner). Below is a few pictures of me using the BitterSweet. I used it in the morning and when I was laying on the couch watching TV that evening, I noticed that even after working all day, I still smelled like the body butter. It was a pleasant surprise.
As you can see, it emulsifies into your skin almost instantly, sealing in moisture, leaving a refreshing scent, and ensuring that our skin is not dry. My daughter loves the Awake body butter, we agreed to the scent ranking above.
Oh, I almost forgot. It was time for me to cleanse my hair but I didn't want to as I was getting over the cold (may have really been the flu). Anyways, my hair was not really taken care of that week and it was a bit dry. I had sweated out any style that I was rocking and knew that I had to do SOMETHING as I was set to attend a business meeting and a natural hair event. I didn't want to use products that were pending review, as my hair wasn't fully cleansed. Well, after knowing the ingredients of the body butters, I decided that I would use the Tahiti Tiare Blossom and Kinkies, my twist-out was DOPE. Wanna see a pic? Ok... here you go...
I moistened my hair using my spray bottle, twisted it up and achieved a great twist-out (on my hair, not my daughter's hair). The Hibiscus is supposed to be used for hair and body; however, I was saving that for when my hair was cleansed... almost saving the best for last sort of things. :-)
Well Kinkies, definitely a great product that I would use until it's all gone. I was sent some liquid black soap, facial butter cream, and her nail therapy. I can't wait to use those too!! PS - I want to try those Moringa products listed.
Where to buy: A Life Balanced
Feel free to also check me out on Facebook, Kinky Kinetik, Twitter, Tweet Kinky and YT, KinkyKinetik.
~Keep it Kinky~
Disclaimer: I was sent this product for the purpose of a review and I was NOT paid to do this review. The above review/opinions expressed was based on MY experience using the product. Kinky Kinetik is not affiliated with A Life Balanced and is thereby not responsible for your experience with the product.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Product Review - Little Miss Fuzzy Head

So Kinkies, I was sent an awesomely smelling product called Little Miss Fuzzy Head (Happy Hair Fusion). Totally cute name right?. Anywho, I used it on my daughter's hair for almost two weeks, initially using it to style her hair for some professional pictures and attendance at the NNHMD.
As with ALL of my reviews, I started this review on freshly cleansed and detangled hair.
What's In Little Miss Fuzzy-Head Products?
Filtered water, agave plant extract, virgin coconut oil, unrefined shea butter, organic aloe, avocado, hemp, jojoba & olive fusion extract, vegetable glycerin, emulsifying wax, potassium sorbate, vitamin E, natural fragrance.
What's your first impression of Little Miss Fuzzy Head's Products Kinky? First let's talk about the smell. It smells GOOD!!! When me and my daughter first smelled it, we were like 'ahhhhhhhhhh.' OK, so back to my first impression... overall, I like the product and I would definitely use it again; however, I would use it differently than what I previously did.
As stated above, I applied it to freshly cleansed hair. I HIGHLY suggest that this product be applied to damp/wet hair. During the review period, I attempted to use it on dry hair and it was a no go. It's like the product took forever to be absorbed into her hair shaft and was a bit sticky on her hair. For my daughter's hair, I don't use too much product so I don't think that I overdid it with the application of the Happy Hair Fusion. As with other products that are water-based, I tested this one out to see how it lives up to being applied without using water first. I didn't like it too much without using water, so again, definitely recommending that you use this on damp/moistened hair.
The product itself is beige-ish and has a thick, sticky feel (guess that's because of the agave that's in it). It kind of reminds me of waffle mix, thick and slow moving when you tilt the jar... but the texture is not as thick as waffle mix. Also, it's not something that I would rub into my skin, as I do with some of my other products that I use, as it is a bit sticky on the hands. I mention this as some take texture, smell, and consistency into play.
As for styling, I did two-strand twists in my daughter's hair, and I pinned them down for elongation.
This is my daughter's hair the morning after twisting.
And this is a few hours later...
After the NHHMD event, I had retwisted my daughters hair into individual twists. Here's the before and after of those twists. When I retwisted, I did spritz her hair with water and then applied the product.As for using the product again, I definitely will use it again to see if I can achieve even better results. I like the results that I achieved on the first go round, but I am expecting better results on round two. One thing that I almost forgot to mention is that when it was almost time for me to cleanse her hair again, I noticed that her hair had a few dried up remnants of the product... and what appeared to be micro-sized lint. I have heard of some people using a product (not this one in particular) and feeling that it draws things (lint) to your hair, but I have not experienced that too much myself. I didn't quite experience this the first and second time I took out her twists; however, on the third twist-out, I saw the build-up. This was noticed after leaving the twists in for a few days and it was only in the front of her hair. I'm thinking it may be due to not using as much water or just the sweet, sticky ingredients in the product.
Well, you guys know that I will give you my honest opinion; however, I hope that I did not scare anyone away as I think with tweaking how you use this, the product could work wonders. I just wanted to be upfront as I know that us women considered everything when purchasing a product, especially for our hair. Just as a reminder though, I will be using it again on my daughter's hair... just because I truly want to. :-)
If you've tried this product, I would love to hear your feedback.
Where to buy: Little Miss Fuzzy Head
Feel free to also check me out on Facebook, Kinky Kinetik, Twitter, Tweet Kinky and YT, KinkyKinetik.
~Keep it Kinky~
Disclaimer: I was sent this product for the purpose of a review and I was NOT paid to do this review. The above review/opinions expressed was based on MY experience using the product. Kinky Kinetik is not affiliated with Little Miss Fuzzy Head and is thereby not responsible for your experience with the product.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Hey Kinkies, It's My Loco for Coco(nut) Oil Giveaway!!!
Tropical Traditions is America's source for coconut oil. Their Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil is hand crafted in small batches by family producers, and it is the highest quality coconut oil they offer. You can read more about how virgin coconut oil is different from other coconut oils on their website:
What is Virgin Coconut Oil? You can also watch the video they produced about Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil:
What is Virgin Coconut Oil? You can also watch the video they produced about Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil:
Tropical Traditions also carries other varieties of affordable high quality coconut oil. Visit their website to check on current sales, to learn about the many uses of coconut oil, and to read about all the advantages of buying coconut oil online.
Since the FDA does not want us to discuss the health benefits of coconut oil on a page where it is being sold or given away, here is the best website to read about the health benefits of coconut oil.
Since the FDA does not want us to discuss the health benefits of coconut oil on a page where it is being sold or given away, here is the best website to read about the health benefits of coconut oil.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Feel free to also check me out on Facebook, Kinky Kinetik, Twitter, Tweet Kinky and YT, KinkyKinetik.
~Keep it Kinky~
Of note, the verbiage noted above is as per Tropical Traditions.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Product Review - Tropical Traditions Gold Label Coconut Oil

Virgin coconut oil.
What's your first impression of Tropical Tradition's Products Kinky? As for the coconut oil, I like it. I used it a few different ways during this review. I used it as a prepoo on my hair. I also used it on me and my daughter's skin to seal in moisture and our hair during styling. Overall, I am pleased with it and will continue to use this oil. I did use it once to cook some sauteed veggies. Unfortunately I couldn't find fresh coconut at my local grocery store (it was there but it was hard), as I wanted to make coconut shrimp.
I loved the smell of the coconut oil on our skin. It allowed me to momentarily escape to an island... only momentarily though. Our skin felt soft, smooth, and moisturized. Don't worry though, the smell is not overpowering and will eventually dissipate.
I wanted to give myself a treat so I prepoo'd with the coconut oil. This is a bit messy so I would exercise caution with it. The dripping coconut oil does NOT come out of your clothes. The effects on your hair are; however, worth it. After rinsing out the prepoo (that was in my hair), I shampooed with an Ayurvedic shampoo bar and then twisted our hair with coconut oil only. Of note, our hair was done while still wet.
As always, first up is my daughter's pictures... here she is with her twists.
Day one of my twist out...
Day two of my twist out... (I was too tired to twist my hair after this... hair still looked good on day three).
Day three/Mother's Day of OUR twist outs!
As most of you may know, there are so many great ways to use Tropical Tradition's Gold Label Coconut Oil. I would definitely recommend this product for it's multiple uses. I do plan on using the remaining product internally (in smoothies) as well as to make those coconut shrimp that I have been wanting to make. I want to also make some triple chip cookies, so I may use the oil for that too.
Well enough about food, I do want to add that I definitely enjoyed using the coconut oil on our bodies as well as beautiful tresses. It's definitely a keeper!
Where to buy: Tropical Traditions
Well enough about food, I do want to add that I definitely enjoyed using the coconut oil on our bodies as well as beautiful tresses. It's definitely a keeper!
Where to buy: Tropical Traditions
Feel free to also check me out on Facebook, Kinky Kinetik, Twitter, Tweet Kinky and YT, KinkyKinetik.
~Keep it Kinky~
Disclaimer: Tropical Traditions provided me with a free sample of this product to review, and I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review or sponsor a product giveaway in return for the free product.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Wordless Wednesday: A Bond That Can't Be Broken
Feel free to also check me out on Facebook, Kinky Kinetik, Twitter, Tweet Kinky and YT, KinkyKinetik.
~Keep it Kinky~
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Apparel Review - Twizted Tees
~Keep it Kinky~
Disclaimer: I was sent this product for the purpose of a review and I was NOT paid to do this review. The above review/opinions expressed was based on MY experience using the product. Kinky Kinetik is not affiliated with Twizted Tees and is thereby not responsible for your experience with the product.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
2012 NNHMD
Hey Kinkies... so, National Natural Hair Meetup Day was yesterday, May 19, 2012. You all know that I just HAD to attend a meetup. They didn't have any here in Jersey. They did have one in Brooklyn as well as in Manhattan; however, I drove from New Jersey to Long Island (over an hour drive) to support my sis, Daphné, AKA Une Autre Naturelle. I previously featured her in an interview. You can check that out here. I must say that overall, I did enjoy myself. With the exception of a few things, I think overall the meetup was successful. The price of this event was $30.
The event had 50 attendees, mainly from Long Island or other parts of New York. Besides Joy of Curls of Joy, I was the only one from NJ. I was one of the first 25 attendees so I got the REAL swag bag that contained a few full sized products, some samples, and a magazine. There was also a few fliers and cards placed on a table with coupon codes.
Feel free to also check me out on Facebook, Kinky Kinetik, Twitter, Tweet Kinky and YT, KinkyKinetik.
The event had 50 attendees, mainly from Long Island or other parts of New York. Besides Joy of Curls of Joy, I was the only one from NJ. I was one of the first 25 attendees so I got the REAL swag bag that contained a few full sized products, some samples, and a magazine. There was also a few fliers and cards placed on a table with coupon codes.
Okay, so we like our dessert before dinner right? Ok... let's talk about the good. I liked the intimacy of the event. There wasn't an extremely big, chaotic crowd. The swag bag, for me at least, was great, and the giveaways (over 30) were awesome. While I am a little bitter (LoL) that I did not win from brands that I have been wanting to try (Little Penguins, Pura Body Naturals, and HairVeda, just to name a few), I did win from a brand that I already know and trust, Sister's Keeper. I think the giveaways (hair products, t-shirts, and accessories) were AWESOME!! It was all thanks to Daphné!!
Unlike some events, this one had FOOD as it was hosted at a restaurant called Mirelle's. The Caribbean style lunch was great... the fruit wasn't all that sweet but the plantains made up for that! Yummy in my tummy was the appetizers and the meal that followed!
There was an awesome Q & A session with Marlene of Doris New York Hair Care Products, as well as a hair styling session with Darcel of Natural Roots Hair Care Inc. Both of these ladies rocked it. (Of note, I will be doing a review of some products from Doris New York Hair Care Products. Stay tuned for that.) Marlene was there selling hair products and there were also two accessories vendors.
The event ran from 1pm to 5pm, which wasn't bad... I think we all had enough time to enjoy ourselves.
Oh, I brought my daughter. I had previously promised her that I would take her to the next meetup that I went to. She had the opportunity to help out Daphné and listen to hair talk. I think it was a great mommy/daughter day!
The bad... Besides this one rude waiter that worked at the restaurant, and got on quite a few people's nerve, there was nothing bad I could really think of. Hmmm... wait, there is... the product swap!
Now, I saw some decent brands on the table... and I bought two of three products valued $15 - $20 and were almost full (that I paid for, just no longer wanted/needed). I also bought a huge container of gel. You were allowed to bring/swap up to three items. You were given a ticket and you were supposed to come to the table when your name was called. Well, I don't know what happened with that as people were just taking what they wanted, appearing to leave with more products than they were supposed to (if you brought only one, you should have taken only one), and there was no fairness to it. I'm not fully sorry to say this but uh, if you are coming to swap products, how are you taking something expensive, yet leaving some cheap Dollar Tree gel and $0.97 Suave shampoo for others? Although I understand why you would not want those products, why would you even bring that?!? I just don't feel as though it was considerate of others. Products were supposed to be at least half full, yet one jar clearly had about 15-20% in it and some of the jars/containers were dirty, had hair in/on them, and totally NOT presentable. I assume the guilty parties didn't care about all of that, DESPITE the email that clearly said to ensure that products are clean and half full. They were just happy to have hit the jackpot. There was definitely talk about it immediately following the swap and a few ladies were not pleased with this part of the event.
Anywho, this has nothing to do with the host or the event itself; however, I am going to be 100% honest with how I feel about everything as a whole... It took me a little over an hour to get there and a little over an hour to get back. I wasn't feeling that; however, I guess that was on me because I chose to go show support. I didn't expect my return time to double that of my arrival time. I kinda wished that I bought tickets to another event so that I could have spent the whole day in NY and took part and another NNHMD event. Maybe then I would have had the opportunity to meet more Kinkies, network more, and possibly miss all of that traffic! O_o
All in all, the event was a success and I am very glad that I came. I would definitely attend another event hosted by Daphné, as she did a FANTASTIC job. She's so sweet and lovable! Who knows, we may be able to partner on it together! ;-)
Well Kinkies, that's my thoughts on it. Thanks for reading and please check out my quick slide show of some of the pictures that I captured...
~Keep it Kinky~
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Kute Lil' Kinkies - Nalani
Hey Kinkies! It's time for our second Kute Lil' Kinkies feature. A proud grandmother submitted this entry (she's pictured below with her granddaughter and there's also a picture of Nalani's mother).
~What's your name, age, and grade?
~What's your favorite color?
Her favorite colors are red and blue.
~What's your favorite natural hair style?
Her mother's favorite hair style is a pony tail/twists in a bun and my favorite style for her is the bantu knots!
~What's some of your favorite things to do and why?
Her favorite things to do are watch Dora, color, and draw.
~What makes you feel awesomely beautiful?
What makes her feel awesomely beautiful is lip gloss, getting dressed, and taking pictures. (I think she'll be a model). Her personality is so refreshing, lively and beautiful!!
Kinky Chats With Mommy...
~Why do you want to showcase your natural little beauty?
I want to showcase her natural beauty because I want other moms/grandmoms to know that their Kute Lil' Kinkies can be naturally beautiful too! You don't need relaxers to manage their hair and handle their beautiful locs of hair.
~How do you encourage your little one to love their natural hair and natural beauty?
We encourage her to love her natural hair and beauty by allowing her to "assist" in her hair styling, teach her about natural hair products (yes at four yrs old). We compliment her natural beauty and let her see other natural Kinkies on television, in magazines, and in the real world so that she knows kinky hair is beautiful hair!
~Are there any tips or advice that you would like to give other mother's about doing/taking care of their child's natural hair?
Tips and advice that my daughter and I want give are: If you use rubber bands, break them off instead of pulling them off so you don't break the hair. Depending on the hair type, ouchless rubber bands may work on your Lil' Kinkies hair. If you do a ponytail, pull her ponytails more to the middle of her head, instead of the top, and you won't have edge breakage. Please comb from the ends to the roots and invest in a great detangler.
Feel free to also check me out on Facebook, Kinky Kinetik, Twitter, Tweet Kinky and YT, KinkyKinetik. ~Keep it Kinky~
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Product Review - VanTRESSa Naturals
Hey Kinkies. Guess who's doing another review?!? ME!!
I love doing product reviews, especially for smaller companies that you may not have heard of. This time I am reviewing products from a line called VanTRESSa Naturals. I was sent a total of five products to do a review on. This review will be on three of the five products sent.
What's In VanTRESSa Naturals' Products?
CocoSheaSTRONG Protein Shine Conditioner: Water, aloe vera, glycerin, olive oil, coconut oil, grapeseed oil, jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, avocado oil, BTMS, cetearyl alcohol (plant derived), lecithin, shea butter, silk protein, hydrolyzed wheat protein, sucrose cocoate, guar, menthol, phenoxyethanol SA, tocopherol, sorbitol, essential oils, and fragrance.
Coconut Oil Créme:100% creamy organic coconut oil.
SheaGrow: 100% natural creamy shea butter, oils, and follicle stimulating essential oils.
Of note, the ingredients on the website differ from what is on some of the labels of the products that were sent to me. The ingredients listed above are as per the labels of the products that were sent to me. Also, I started this review on freshly shampooed hair (I used an Ayurvedic shampoo bar that I previously used. I detangled with a detangling product and tool as it was much needed (I wore an Afro puff for a week so I am sure you can understand the need to detangle). The products were rinsed out prior to starting this review.
What's your first impression of VanTRESSa Naturals' Products Kinky? The CocoSheaSTRONG smelled a bit citrusy and it was pleasing. The product itself is creamy, more of a liquid consistency, and a beige-like color. It reminds me of waffle batter, but not as thick. I left it on my hair for an hour (well actually a little over an hour), as directed by the bottle, then I rinsed with cool water. After rinsing it out, my hair felt soft and had a bit of shine. (It would help if I had a picture, right?) Next I applied the Coconut Oil Créme to my wet hair.
SheaGrow: 100% natural creamy shea butter, oils, and follicle stimulating essential oils.
Of note, the ingredients on the website differ from what is on some of the labels of the products that were sent to me. The ingredients listed above are as per the labels of the products that were sent to me. Also, I started this review on freshly shampooed hair (I used an Ayurvedic shampoo bar that I previously used. I detangled with a detangling product and tool as it was much needed (I wore an Afro puff for a week so I am sure you can understand the need to detangle). The products were rinsed out prior to starting this review.
What's your first impression of VanTRESSa Naturals' Products Kinky? The CocoSheaSTRONG smelled a bit citrusy and it was pleasing. The product itself is creamy, more of a liquid consistency, and a beige-like color. It reminds me of waffle batter, but not as thick. I left it on my hair for an hour (well actually a little over an hour), as directed by the bottle, then I rinsed with cool water. After rinsing it out, my hair felt soft and had a bit of shine. (It would help if I had a picture, right?) Next I applied the Coconut Oil Créme to my wet hair.
As for the Coconut Oil Créme, it smelled like regular coconut oil. The website (and product label) does note that you can choose different scents for this product; however, the one sent to me was unscented. Man I wish that I had gotten ANY of the scents listed on the site as they all sound sooooooooooooo good! It did not really differ from the coconut oil that you can buy at the store. I did notice that while in the jar it did not melt as quickly as my other coconut oil that I have - this may be due to the dark jar that it is packaged in. When I used it, it did easily melt in my hands, as with any other coconut oil. After applying the Coconut Oil Créme to my wet hair, I then applied the SheaGrow as a second layer.
I used the SheaGrow, which smells like mint, on my scalp as well as my hair. The product sent to me is not as pictured on the site. The site shows a creamy product; however, what was sent to me was a solid form. After rubbing it into my hands, it did smoothly coat my hair. At times, I did use the coconut oil to help soften the SheaGrow in my palms. After twisting, I covered my head with a bonnet cap that I previously reviewed and the next morning I could not WAIT to check out my hair. My hair was bouncy, shiny and I could not keep my hands out of it. I did my hair on a Friday night and left my hair in the twists until Sunday morning. Normally I do it on Sunday night but since I was going to the hair expo on Sunday, I had to look right!! Below is the picture of my hair on the evening that I took the twists out.
Normally I have more pictures, but I think that I got lost in the need to get ready for the NJ NHCE, and forgot to do the close-ups and unveiling. I promise my hair was the business in person!! It was soft and my tresses bounced back when pulled. I had gotten so many compliments on my hair at the expo, and was even asked what product was in my hair a few times. If you check out my pictures from the NJ Natural Hair Care Expo, you will be able to see more pictures.
Here's a close-up of the back.
While my twists aren't as defined as a few days prior, you can still see the sheen. My tresses were still soft to the touch, throughout the entire review process. Nightly I moisturized with water, applied the Créme and SheaGrow, and covered my tresses with a bonnet. I applied the SheaGrow to my scalp every other day, massaging it in. Overall, I really liked the products and would likely use them again. Unless you're one that would want a scent added to your coconut oil, I would not really invest in the coconut oil. This is not to take away from the company, as I know some prefer to get all of their items from one location, in one shot. I just honestly wouldn't. If there were EOs added, or some other beneficial ingredient, then perhaps I would consider purchasing it.
I know some may have protein sensitivity while others report how their hair is dry and brittle after using a product with protein... while I haven't used this product long enough to see the long term effects, I can honestly say that after using the CocoSheaSTRONG, my hair definitely had softness and shine so I will definitely use it again as a deep conditioner/protein treatment.
Look out for the review of the other two products that I am reviewing from this line. I can't wait to try those! That may be via YouTube though! :-)
Where to buy: VanTRESSa Naturals
Oh as I typed this, I thought about something... As with most products, I rub the left over product that was on my hands, on my legs or arms. I hope that the follicle stimulating EOs that are in the product don't have me looking furry! LoL. Just kidding... but I did seriously think that!
Feel free to also check me out on Facebook, Kinky Kinetik, Twitter, Tweet Kinky and YT, KinkyKinetik.
~Keep it Kinky~
Disclaimer: I was sent this product for the purpose of a review and I was NOT paid to do this review. The above review/opinions expressed was based on MY experience using the product. Kinky Kinetik is not affiliated with VanTRESSa Naturals and is thereby not responsible for your experience with the product.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Wordless Wednesday: MAC Upgrade
Feel free to also check me out on Facebook, Kinky Kinetik, Twitter, Tweet Kinky and YT, KinkyKinetik.
~Keep it Kinky~
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Kute Lil' Kinkies - Janae
Hey Kinkies!! I am doing a new 'segment' on my page called Kute Lil' Kinkies. Not only do I want to celebrate the natural beauties I encounter, but I also want to recognize (and encourage) the little natural beauties in our life. Of course I couldn't start this segment without first featuring my own daughter, Janae!!
~What's your name, age, and grade?
My name is Janae. I am eight years old and I am in third grade.
~What's your favorite color?
~What's your favorite natural hair style?
A braided bun with a few twists to the side.
~What's some of your favorite things to do and why?
I love swimming, singing, dancing, riding my bike, and going to places like the mall, Funplex, and The Liberty Science Center. I enjoy these things and I like to do them all of the time! :-)
~What makes you feel awesomely beautiful?
Singing, dancing, and looking at myself in the mirror makes me feel awesomely beautiful!!! :-P
Kinky Chats With Mommy...
~Why do you want to showcase your natural little beauty?
I think that it is VERY important to encourage our children to love themselves, inside and out. They need to feel and KNOW that they are special. No matter their skin color, hair color, favorite subject, height, if they wear glasses, like vegetables, and/or their ethnicity, they need to know that they are beautifully unique, special, and should believe in themselves. The images on television and the kids at school may have them second guessing their looks; however, that's where we as parents, grandparents, etc., come in. Instead of looking up child-star singers and actors online, come here and show your Kute Lil' Kinky themselves, as well as the other Kute Lil' Kinkies featured. I guarantee they'll smile and feel good about what they see!
~How do you encourage your little one to love their natural hair and natural beauty?
I continually tell her how beautiful she is and teach her about loving herself and her hair. I praise her for her grades, being a great daughter, and teach her about being a great person. Yes, she gets tons of compliments from family, friends, and strangers, but I still think it's important to teach her about her inner and outer beauty at home. I let her pick out her own clothes and decide on the hair styles she wants to wear, so not only is she feeling like she's part of creating her identity, she's also allowed to show her fashion sense, her inner and outer beauty, and be proud of what she portrays.
~Are there any tips or advice that you would like to give other mother's about doing/taking care of their child's natural hair?
Since I know that so many other mommies will submit great hair tips and advice, I'm going to just say let your child have a part in the styling of their hair. Teach them how to cleanse, style, and maintain their natural hair. Also, ask them what style they want to wear. Feeling like their included in decisions will definitely go a long way.
Feel free to also check me out on Facebook, Kinky Kinetik, Twitter, Tweet Kinky and YT, KinkyKinetik. ~Keep it Kinky~
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Product Review - ZBest For U
Hey Kinkies!! So, Aside from natural hair care products, I also love to use natural skin products. I've been giving yet another opportunity to review some skin care products from Z Best.
What's In Z Best' Products?
Souffle: Distilled water, shea butter, coco butter, jojoba oil, grape seed oil, sesame seed oil, vegetable glycerin, vitamin E, organic extracts, essential oils, and FD & C Red & Yellow.
Soft Soothing Oil: Sunflower oil, grape seed oil, shea butter, apricot kernel oil, olive oil, cocoa butter, jojoba oil, almond oil, organic coconut oil, natural extracts, vitamin E oil, essential oils, and fragrance.
Soft Soothing Oil: Sunflower oil, grape seed oil, shea butter, apricot kernel oil, olive oil, cocoa butter, jojoba oil, almond oil, organic coconut oil, natural extracts, vitamin E oil, essential oils, and fragrance.
Whipped Shea Butter: Shea butter, coco butters, sweet almond oil, jojoba oil, organic olive oil, organic coconut oil, water, safflower oil, grape seed oil, corn starch, essential oils, and fragrances. (as per website)
Dead Sea Salt Herbal Milk Bath Soak: Dead sea salt, Epsom salt, dehydrated goat's milk, bath beads, lavender flowers, natural herbs, and essential oils. (as per website)
Sweet Mango Tango Beauty Bar: glycerin, propylene glycol, water, sodium cocate, sorbital, sterate, sodium myristate, titanium dioxide, shea butter, jojoba oil, sunflower oil, olive oil, goat's milk, almond milk, coconut oil, essential oils, and organic extracts. (as per website)
Exfoliating Beauty Bar: ingredients not available at time of the review.
What's your first impression of Z Best 'Kinky? I have mixed reviews for the products as a whole. Some of them were great, others I could have done without. So, my thoughts are as follows...
- The consistency of the Souffle reminds me of flan, the dessert. The souffle didn't do much for me, as compared to the whipped shea butter. It was scented Sweet Z and I didn't like the smell of this one. The website shows other scents, such as Lemon Pudding and Sweet Coconut. I think either one of them would have been a better scent choice... for me at least.
- The Soft Soothing Oil smelled a bit like the Souffle, so again, I did not like the scent. As for the oil itself, I did use it a few times to lock moisture into my skin (at night). Below is a picture of my arm after using it. it was not greasy or too oily, which is good, especially for summer months.
- The Whipped Shea Butter was scented Sweet Cotton Candy & Apples. Since I don't like apple scents, I didn't like the smell too much. However, I had a pleasant treat when I first tried this as I used it fresh out of the fridge (where I store my products). The cool temperature was refreshing and it was an okay body butter. I would continue to use it.
- The Dead Sea Salt Herbal Milk Bath Soak was a winner for me! I definitely enjoyed the detoxifying bath soak and I even let my daughter take a bath in it once when she wasn't feeling well. The tub was definitely dirty after using this, which I attribute to using the soak (don't worry, I shower after baths). This is one item that I would definitely recommend and would use over and over again!
- The Sweet Mango Tango Beauty Bar was another winner for me and my daughter. If you are looking for something that smells like mango, this is not it. It does have a sweet, fruity scent; however, it does not smell like mango. My daughter loved to cleanse herself with this bar and I enjoyed this bar, as a sweet treat, as well. The bar is not drying, lasts a long time, and looks too cute!
- The Exfoliating Beauty Bar was the third winner for me. Not only was the bar pretty, it was also creamy and nicely scented. Now, generally I don't like floral scents but this bar was the exception. I am almost finished the bar and now I am at the 'extra-exfoliating' portion of the bar, where more oats and seeds are present. My daughter didn't really use this bar much, which was fine with me (more for me).
Look how pretty the Sweet Mango Tango Beauty Bar (The Exfoliating Bar is pictured above).
This picture of the sea salt soak isn't that clear. The Z Best website shows a much better picture.
In addition to the above products, I was sent two pressure point oils (love them) and a tea light candle (or two). The oils smell soooooooooooooooo good! Another great item that she has.
So you're probably wondering why I have a picture of myself in this review. Well, I wanted to also show off the totally cute copper earrings that she has. She has earrings and hair accessories for sale, in addition to her bath and beauty items. It's the one-stop-shop for us beauties!!
Feel free to also check me out on Facebook, Kinky Kinetik, Twitter, Tweet Kinky and YT, KinkyKinetik.
~Keep it Kinky~
Disclaimer: I was sent this product for the purpose of a review and I was NOT paid to do this review. The above review/opinions expressed was based on MY experience using the product. Kinky Kinetik is not affiliated with ZBest For U and is thereby not responsible for your experience with the product.
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