Virgin coconut oil.
What's your first impression of Tropical Tradition's Products Kinky? As for the coconut oil, I like it. I used it a few different ways during this review. I used it as a prepoo on my hair. I also used it on me and my daughter's skin to seal in moisture and our hair during styling. Overall, I am pleased with it and will continue to use this oil. I did use it once to cook some sauteed veggies. Unfortunately I couldn't find fresh coconut at my local grocery store (it was there but it was hard), as I wanted to make coconut shrimp.
I loved the smell of the coconut oil on our skin. It allowed me to momentarily escape to an island... only momentarily though. Our skin felt soft, smooth, and moisturized. Don't worry though, the smell is not overpowering and will eventually dissipate.
I wanted to give myself a treat so I prepoo'd with the coconut oil. This is a bit messy so I would exercise caution with it. The dripping coconut oil does NOT come out of your clothes. The effects on your hair are; however, worth it. After rinsing out the prepoo (that was in my hair), I shampooed with an Ayurvedic shampoo bar and then twisted our hair with coconut oil only. Of note, our hair was done while still wet.
As always, first up is my daughter's pictures... here she is with her twists.
Day one of my twist out...
Day two of my twist out... (I was too tired to twist my hair after this... hair still looked good on day three).
Day three/Mother's Day of OUR twist outs!
As most of you may know, there are so many great ways to use Tropical Tradition's Gold Label Coconut Oil. I would definitely recommend this product for it's multiple uses. I do plan on using the remaining product internally (in smoothies) as well as to make those coconut shrimp that I have been wanting to make. I want to also make some triple chip cookies, so I may use the oil for that too.
Well enough about food, I do want to add that I definitely enjoyed using the coconut oil on our bodies as well as beautiful tresses. It's definitely a keeper!
Where to buy: Tropical Traditions
Well enough about food, I do want to add that I definitely enjoyed using the coconut oil on our bodies as well as beautiful tresses. It's definitely a keeper!
Where to buy: Tropical Traditions
Feel free to also check me out on Facebook, Kinky Kinetik, Twitter, Tweet Kinky and YT, KinkyKinetik.
~Keep it Kinky~
Disclaimer: Tropical Traditions provided me with a free sample of this product to review, and I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review or sponsor a product giveaway in return for the free product.
I would like a sample to try this product as a moisturizer and a prepoo.