Sunday, March 27, 2016

Product Review - (Part Two)

As you already know, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE art!  I have come to make some of my own masterpieces, which I plan to hang around my house.  I also purchase art.  Sometimes I visit different museums, just to partake in the "life" of art.  Once again, I was given the amazing opportunity to peruse the website of, and obtain a personalized art piece from,   This time I ordered an art piece to "match" a piece that I already owned. 

Monday, February 1, 2016

Product Review - Sprouts Cold Remedy

 photo 1454298190_zpsmaenceqm.jpgCold and flu season is upon us.  This little jar has ingredients that pack a powerful punch!  With going to work and/or school, we have to keep our immune system functioning properly as we cannot determine what we will encounter.  There are great ingredients included, such as Elderberry and Echinacea, which I already use.  Today I woke up with sniffles and a sore throat after doing a detoxing mask the night before.  This tincture has already started to tackle whatever is causing my symptoms.

Make sure you check it out, and consider buying, by clicking here.  You can also check out my full thoughts by clicking here.

~Keep it Kinky~

Disclaimer: I was sent this product for the purpose of a review and I was NOT paid to do this review. The above review/opinions expressed was based on MY experience using the product. Kinky Kinetik is not affiliated with Sprouts and is thereby not responsible for your experience with the product.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Product Review - Valentia Clay Mask and Exfoliating Scrub

I was sent the Valentia Skin Detoxifying Clay Mask and Eternal Youth Exfoliating Scrub.  While initially I was skeptical about trying these two facial products, after reading the key ingredients, I was sold!
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