Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Product Review - Good Karma Zone Skid-less Yoga Towel

I recently decided to get back into yoga.  Unfortunately, when in certain poses, I am known to slide a bit.  The Good Karma Zone Skid-less Yoga Towel is supposed to remedy that.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Product Review - Martha Clyne Hypoallergenic Quilted Stretch-to-Fit Mattress Pad

My mattress pad is old, dingy, and although it's still functional, it could be upgraded.  Given the opportunity to review a new, hypoallergenic mattress pad, I was ready to part ways with my old mattress pad.

Thankfully I didn't throw it away!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Product Review - Surpahs Lightweight Digital Bathroom Scale

Le sigh.  Being healthy and attempting to maintain a certain weight isn't easy!  Last year I lost weight and toned up really well.  Had a few set back and as a result, some of the weight came back.  No, it wasn't totally my fault; however, I know that I HAVE to do something about it!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Product Review - Sari Foods Organic Spirulina Powder

I've been on this sort of health kick.  Rather, I kicked up my previous health kick.  Part of my overall health and well-being is attributed to the smoothies that I drink.  I've added things like flax seed, chia seeds, supplements, honey, and more to my smoothies.  Recently, I was sent a bag of Sari Food's Organic Spirulina Powder.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Product Review - Adovia Sulfur Soap

So, remember how I was saying that I was working on a review for a soap so I couldn't do my previous review?  Well, this is the review for the soap I mentioned.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Product Review - MY Konjac Sponge

Yup, I'm doing another review Kinkies!!!  So, my daughter had to help me out with this review given that I was sent two facial products at the same time and given that I have a deadline to complete reviews, I had to improvise... so I gave the less harsher, more natural product to my daughter.

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